Fresh Laksa Special at Krokop 5 Miri

Located at the Krokop 5. The laksa in the photo is laksa special. A big bowl. Shrimp is also very fresh. As for the taste of laksa, everyone’s taste is different. I can only say that it suits me, I like it. Lala bihun soup is the signature here. They also have fried noodles and fried kueh tiaw here as well as chicken rice.

位于珠巴五号路,联谊茶室旁边,阿贤美食。相片中的laksa是laksa special. 很大一碗。虾也很新鲜。至于laksa的味道,每个人的口味不一样。我只能说适合我,我喜欢。拉拉米粉汤,是这里的招牌。

也可以叫老板換成干面,或加猪肝。甚至也可以只点拉拉汤。老板很flexible,不用怕这个不能加,那个不能換 赞~ 炒面和炒果条就中规中矩,没惊喜。如果真的要比较,我个人比较喜欢炒面(虾是另外加)。

鸡饭也算是还可以 。喜欢他的饭和酱料。饭的量给得蛮多的。最重要的是,饭吃在嘴里很香。而且不会腻。毕竟有些鸡饭的饭属于比较油腻的。还有酱料蛮特别。有别于一般鸡饭的辣椒酱。喜欢酸的应该会超爱。沾鸡肉吃起来非常开胃~





(Images via/courtesy of Johnny Ting)