Bintulu’s Kongkalikonman Rescues Flood Victims

Bintulu’s Kongkalikonman Joins Flood Rescue Efforts

In these challenging times, let’s support and help one another. Kongkalikonman, his team, and all relevant agencies are doing their best to assist those in need. Stay strong, my dear friends—I know it’s tough, but hang in there!

Floodwaters in Bukit Orang, Bintulu, have risen significantly, reaching the first floor of houses. Many residents, including the elderly, are stranded.

Bintulu MP Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing (拿督斯里张庆信) has personally joined the rescue efforts, helping evacuate those in danger.

Let’s stand together and overcome this crisis! Stay alert and stay safe. If you need urgent assistance, please contact the relevant authorities.