Delicious Healthy Desserts in Miri City

Discover a Hidden Gem in Miri: Feng Cha
You might not have heard of this spot yet!

Whether you’ve visited before or not, it’s time to check out Feng Cha. Besides their popular fruit teas, freshly made cakes, and soufflés, they’ve now introduced a special new addition—a healthy dessert soup!

In today’s world, many people enjoy a sweet treat to lift their spirits but worry about the negative effects of sugar. Here’s the secret: Feng Cha’s cakes and healthy dessert soups are not overly sweet! You can even adjust the sweetness to your liking.

奉茶 FengCha – Miri
Lot1756, Block 9, MCLD, Jalan Royal,
Miri, Malaysia


(Images: 颜夫