Old Time Favourite Scissors Kuih at Open Air Market Miri

At My hometown – Sarawak Miri! From the old time favourite Kuih Muih to the scissors Kuih (rice rolls) in the Miri Central Market, although the price has risen a lot, but the taste is still the same, still maintain the delicious taste during childhood time.

The white rice cake rolls aka scissors Kuih are smooth and delicious, and the taro cake is very distinctive, with sweet sauce and sesame seeds. . . Biting in the mouth, full of fragrance. . .


从小吃到现在的中央菜市场的剪刀Kuih (猪肠粉),价格虽然涨了不少,但可贵在于味道依然不变,还是保有昔日的可口与美味。白色的糕片顺滑可口,芋头糕很与众不同的口感,搭配甜酱和芝麻。。。咬在口里,满满地香味。。

美里中央菜市场,糕点摊位(Open Air Market)

剪刀Kuih (可选单单剪刀Kuih,或剪刀Kuih + 芋头糕)。还有很多糕点选择。备有甜酱或辣酱可选,本人偏好甜酱。


Open Air Market Sarawak Miri aka Miri Open Air Market

Authentic and all time favourite… scissor cake 剪刀Kuih at Miri Open Air Market

(Info/images via/courtesy of William Chin Yu Hua, Wee Law)