Sarawak to Launch Its Own Airline by Year-End

Sarawak will have its own airline by the end of this year.

Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari announced that the state will establish its own airline before the end of 2024 this year, aiming to boost tourism and attract more visitors. He also mentioned that the new airport will feature a modern design with seamless boarding services, with a capacity to handle 15 million passengers annually. Abang Johari believes Sarawak will become a key hub for tourism and major business events, driving local economic growth.

Yes, Sarawak’s new airline, probably known as “Saradise,” is expected to begin operations in 2025. Its goal is to offer more affordable tickets for returning Sarawakians, helping reduce travel costs. This is indeed an exciting development that will provide greater convenience to residents and visitors alike.

Note: Images for illustrations purpose

(Images: Pharpartnerships, Heppy Mahendro)

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