Shangril-La BBQ Steamboat now in Miri City!

Where do you find a buffet where you cannot only feast on a few types of dishes ,but a whole range of different foods? Head on to Shangril-La BBQ Steamboat and you will not be disappointed.

Eat ALL you can!

晚餐不知道要去哪里吃? 生日派对没有idea要上哪庆祝? 朋友聚餐想要吃饱饱喝爽爽坐久久, 没错啦~

Shangril-La BBQ Steamboat 香锅里捞 -就是您们首选餐厅多种食物任您挑选,吃完再拿;拿完再吃无限欢迎让您吃到饱饱爬着回家
Location : Senadin New ShopLot
Operating Hours : 4pm- 11pm

(Images via/courtesy of Siew Rong)