If you are interested in visiting Dinosaur in Borneo to see dinosaurs, you should take the opportunity to come to…
theme park
Miri Night Time Merry Go Round
Come and visit the exciting new Merry Go Round theme park at Coco Cabana Miri! This is the perfect spot…
LightFest in Borneo now at Coco Cabana Miri
LightFest in Borneo is now open at Miri Cococabana. You can find bumper cars, a carousel, fun games, and horse-drawn…
Loons and Light now at Coco Cabana Miri
Loons and Light is now opened to the public from evening to 10 pm every day. Ticket prices for Adults…
Rabbit Themed CNY Decors in Miri Times Square
Miri Times Square is beautifully decorated for the New Year. There are rabbits that will change color, colorful and red…
Miri Times Square Transforming into CNY Mode
So many colourful lanterns found at Miri Times Square. Beautiful night views and new place to check out & take…
Rabbit CNY Bazaar Decoration now in Miri City
Finally, the new 2023 Miri Gongxi Bazaar Decorations is now up in Miri City with year of rabbit theme. Another…
Merry Go Round now at Coco Cabana Miri
Interesting new Merry Go Round theme park to take photos and check in now at Coco Cabana Miri! 美里终于有个漂亮的旋转木马游乐场了 Rm…
Paradise Island Mini Bali Miri
Paradise Island Mini Bali in Miri is a noteworthy location of Miniature Bali Miri. Interesting locations where you may relax,…
Kuda Pusing now at Coco Cabana Miri
Interesting new theme park to take photos and check in at Coco Cabana Miri! It’s the Kuda pusing/ Carousel! What…