The Little Spoon now in Miri City

The Little Spoon Miri serves fresh and healthy food.The easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time.

地点: Park City hotel 对面, “PACTS The Education Clubhouse” 楼下。
业余时间:9.00am~4.00pm (星期六和公共假期而已,学校假期没开) 要准确时间就可以follow他们的Instagram。

Smoked Salmon Benedict RM 20.50,
The Weetvoury RM 20.50,
Pancaken RM 12.50
& Hot Kluang Kopi RM 2.50

Address: The Little Spoon

(Images/info via/courtesy of Yorohiko Chung, The Little Spoon)